Everything of interest to the modern bourbon lover.

Keep It Civil: Gift Ideas for Every Adult in the Family

Here at Ezra Brooks Bourbon, we pride ourselves on being civilized. But, we also know that family time can sometimes be anything but. These gift ideas for every adult in the family might just be the key to keeping everyone civil and sane during the holiday season.

Order Bourbon Whiskey Like a Boss

If you’re reading this, it’s fair to assume you know at least a little something about ordering bourbon or whiskey. However, no matter how much knowledge you have, it can sometimes be overwhelming when you’re suddenly faced with a 6-7 page menu of bourbons, whiskeys, and scotches. Of course, you will recognize some of them, but there are sure to be many you’ve never tried before.  

So, the next time you visit your local whiskey bar with a group of friends, avoid the anxiety by learning how to order bourbon whiskey like a boss. 

Beyond the Mint Julep-How to Make Classic Kentucky Derby Cocktails

Few things are more synonymous together than the Mint Julep and the Kentucky Derby. But, if you’re looking to mix things up on derby day, adding one of these cocktails to the drink menu might just hit the spot.

Couple wearing North Face fleeces

5 Cozy Fleeces to Keep the Winter Chill Away

Couple wearing North Face fleeces

A crispness in the air, perhaps a fire or two in the hearth — it’s definitely fleece season. But whether you’re still keeping close to home or venturing out on the trails, there’s no excuse not to look sharp while feeling comfy.

Here are five fleeces that combine fashion with function.

How to Split Firewood the Right Way

Whether you’re heating exclusively with wood or just revving up the occasional blaze in the fireplace, there comes a time when you’ll need to split a few too-large, unwieldy logs, or make use of those cut up stumps your friend just thoughtfully dumped in your backyard.