Everything of interest to the modern bourbon lover.
Ezra Brooks bourbon with stack of books

Literature’s Great Bourbon Moments

Ezra Brooks bourbon with stack of books

In 35 B.C., the great poet Horace speculated in his XIXth Epistle, “… no poems can please long, nor live, which are written by water-drinkers.” William Faulkner took it a step further: “Civilization begins with distillation.”

While Horace preceded the creation of bourbon, Faulkner was well-steeped in the knowledge. He mentioned whiskey frequently in his novels, going so far as to write, “There is no such thing as bad whiskey. Some whiskeys just happen to be better than others.” Noir mystery author Raymond Chandler mirrored the line: “There is no bad whiskey. There are only some whiskeys that aren’t as good as others.”

Many of the manly writers of the first half of the 20th century were bourbon aficionados. Think Hemingway: “Never delay kissing a pretty girl or opening a bottle of whiskey.” Or F. Scott Fitzgerald in The Great Gatsby. Said Daisy to her husband, “‘Open the whiskey, Tom,’ she ordered, ‘and I’ll make you a mint julep. Then you won’t seem so stupid to yourself.’”

But references to bourbon run throughout the literary canon. Here are a few more well-read morsels to skillfully slip into your next sipping session with friends:

Ezra Brooks bourbon with hearts for Valentine's Day

The Modern Gentleman’s Guide to Valentine’s Day

Ezra Brooks bourbon with hearts for Valentine's Day

Even without all the candy hearts, flower displays, and jewelry commercials, a modern gentleman wouldn’t forget Valentine’s Day. He knows to honor his significant other on the most romantic day of the year. Even if the holiday feels a little contrived, an authentic celebration of love never is.

If you’re looking for some V-Day inspo, here are five Ezra Brooks-approved ways show the love.

A bottle of Old Ezra and a glass of bourbon sitting next to a typewriter

The Modern Man’s List of New Year’s Resolutions

A bottle of Old Ezra and a glass of bourbon sitting next to a typewriter

A new year is a new start, and it’s helpful to write down your goals for the months ahead. Whether you’re looking to make big or small changes, take a moment this January to reflect on what’s important to you and how you’re going to make it happen.

Don’t know where to start? Let us provide a few prompts, and then go make 2019 your best year yet.

A Holiday Gift Guide for the Modern Gentleman

The modern gentleman is authentic, sophisticated, and stylish. He also possesses impeccable manners. Although these are wonderful qualities to have, they also make him nearly impossible to shop for.

But there are a few unique gifts out there that he will not only appreciate, but also cherish.

How to Make a Bourbon-Glazed Turkey

If there’s one thing a modern man should know how to do, it’s make a turkey for holiday entertaining. You can prove your kitchen prowess by serving this bourbon-glazed turkey for Thanksgiving or any other holiday dinner — forever sealing your fate as master of the bird.

If you’re feeling plucky, you can spatchcock* your turkey before roasting. Yeah, we went there.

Beyond-Basic Whiskey Accessories for the Modern Man

Your home bar may be stocked with the basics — and of course that includes a bottle (or two) of Ezra Brooks — but there are so many accessories out there that elevate your drinking experience.

It’s even better when you amass items with a history, ones that are handcrafted by artisans who are just as dedicated to quality as you are. Read on to see what you’ll need.

Cigar 101: How to Light Up in Style

Whiskey and cigars — it’s a pairing right up there in the manly pantheon with spaghetti and meatballs, bread and butter, beer and pizza. But while enjoying cigars can be just a basic satisfaction, the various shapes, styles, flavors, and rituals involved can also be as bewildering as trying as to understand the rules of cricket.

If you’re new to the game, here are some basics that will add to your gentlemanly poise:

Melanie Miller and Casey Hyland of Hyland Miller glass studio in Kentucky

Meet 4 Honestly Awesome Kentucky Craftspeople

Melanie Miller and Casey Hyland of Hyland Miller glass studio in Kentucky

At Ezra Brooks, we’re into all things handcrafted — so much so that we’re launching a contest this fall to celebrate them. Although we can’t give away too many details right now, we can tell you that the winners will score some amazing creations from the four artisans below, all of whom call Kentucky home, just like we do.

Keep an eye out for updates on the Honestly Handcrafted contest. (If you sign up to for Ezra Brooks emails, you’ll be the first to know when it starts.) In the meantime, read all about these awesome American craftspeople.

The Modern Man’s Guide to Labor Day Party Greatness

Some of life’s best memories come from sitting down and breaking bread together. With Labor Day on the horizon, it’s time to make one more memory, with a bourbon-infused summer send-off executed in grand Ezra Brooks style.

A little food, a little drink, some close friends — as long as you have Ezra Brooks bourbon on hand, you have all the ingredients of a summer sayonara you won’t forget.

5 Times Honesty Isn’t the Best Policy

A hallmark of a modern gentleman is that he never lies. Every now and then, though, he might encounter a sticky situation where the truth needs to be bent ever so slightly. Put another way: a situation where a little white lie might be the best way out.

Though rare, these moments do occur, so it’s best to be prepared. Here’s how to navigate five common scenarios with grace.